Indy is practicing that look of ennui that models are so known for.
It’s a head-scratcher
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Indy has started a soothing practice while feeding. It involves running or raking with her finger-tips. Her hair is the current favorite.
Thrill Junkie
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Indy started to laugh this week, and the best way to get her to do so seems to be to scare her.
5 Months!
Weighing in at a tidy 14lbs 6oz and 26″ long, Indiana is 5 months today!
Little Miss has been very busy this week learning and exploring her ever-expanding world. I haven’t been able to capture all of the moments on film, so I’ll share them here with you now.
The beginning of the week showed me that she’s paying attention to everything I do. Case in point, every day we enjoy a few playtimes where I usually show her 2 soft-stuffed balls, one with a rattle, one with a bell. I give each a shake so she can hear the difference and describe them to her, then give her a choice (she always chooses the bell). Monday she picked her ball, then shook it twice to hear the bell. I repeated this to make sure she wasn’t just shaking it in that frustrated spastic way, but no, she did a deliberate two-pump shake to hear the bell each time.
A few days later she learned that when we practice sitting up – which she can muster about 3 seconds before listing and eventually capsizing – if she used her arms to tripod out, she could hold herself up for moments longer before falling over. Additionally, she uses her torso to bend over to get what she wants if it’s slightly out of reach. If what she really wants is even further, she has learned to roll over onto her side and then scoot to where she wants to go. Sort of, her aim is sometimes off.
Lastly, her bath-time has graduated from the much beloved Puj tub to a more mommy-cruel plastic tub. I showed Indy how to slap the surface of the water and splash, and she immediately did the same. It’s been a fun week!
Monkey see
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Indy has been pawing at my drinks lately, so I gave her a “cup” to practice with.
Camera shy or paparazzi rage?
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Indy talks to me daily, yammering on and on. It never fails, when I get out the iPhone to record a little something for the website, she clams right up.
As you can see in this video, she tries to eat anything in front of her, but mostly, she’s upset I’m putting something between us, blocking her view of her personal chaperone and food supply. And now she’s got enough control of her facilities to do a thing or two about it.
Eggplant head
Somewhere along the way we inherited this adorable beanie that looks like an eggplant. Indy approves.